

2023-08-23 17:16:21 来源:浙江在线 作者:通讯员 龚杭 编辑:毕真

  浙江在线8月22日嘉兴消息(通讯员 龚杭)“您好,这里是桐乡工商银行,请问有什么可以帮您?”七月的一天下午,工行嘉兴桐乡支行营业部客服经理凌天阳和日常一样正在电话中为客户解答疑问。



  Ling:“Hello,sir! This is ICBC TongXiang Branch.Youcantalkto me in English and tell me about your concerns.”(先生您好,这边是工行桐乡支行。您可以用英语和我讲述您遇到的问题。)——凌天阳耐心回答道。

  Mr Raza:“That's great, sir! My name is Raza, and mycreditcard has expired, but the new one was mistakenly deliveredto ICBC Jiashan branch. I visited ICBC Tongxiang branchlastmonth to resolve this matter. Could you please confirmifthe new credit card has been sent to ICBC Tongxiangbranch?”(那太好了,先生!我的名字是Raza,我的信用卡之前到期了,但是新卡寄错到了嘉善工行。上个月我已来过桐乡工行处理这件事,请问新的信用卡是否已经寄到桐乡工行?)——外国友人焦急地解释道。

  Ling:“Certainly, sir. Could you please provide me withyourcredit card number so that I can look it up in thesystemlater?” (好的,先生。这边方便提供一下您信用卡的卡号吗,稍后我可以在系统里为您查询。)——凌天阳耐心倾听着客户的需求,并为客户提供解决方案。

  Mr Raza:“The card number is xxxx...” (卡号是 xxxx...)

  Ling:“Alright, hang on, please.” (好的,请稍等。)



  Ling:“I apologize for the delay, sir. After checkingthesystem, it shows that your credit card has been deliveredto our ICBC Tongxiang branch. Our business hoursarefrom8:20 AM to 5:00 PM. You can come and collect your creditcardat any time (including weekends and holidays), andpleaseremember to bring your passport with you.” (不好意思,让您久等了,先生。刚才我查询后系统里显示您的信用卡已经寄到我们桐乡工行网点了。我们的营业时间是8:20-17:00,您可以随时过来领取您的信用卡(包括周末和节假日),同时不要忘记携带您的护照喔。)——凌天阳耐心地为外国友人解答领取信用卡的注意事项。

  Mr Raza:“Thank you very much, sir. As I am not veryfamiliarwith the area, could you please provide me with the specific address of the bank?” (非常谢谢您,先生。由于我对这边环境不太熟悉,您可以告知一下银行的具体地址吗?)

  Ling:“No problem! The address of our bank is No. 3ZhenxingWest Road, Wutong Street. You will be able to see ICBCnearthe crossing. ” (当然没问题!我们银行的地址是:梧桐街道振兴西路3号。您可以在在十字交叉路口附近看到我们工商银行。)

  Mr Raza:“I'm sorry for the inconvenience. My GoogleMapsshows several ICBC branches in the nearby area, andI'mnotsure which one specifically. Could you please providemewith a more detailed address?” (实在是不好意思,我的谷歌地图上显示周围附近有好多工商银行,我不知道具体是哪一个,您可以再详细说一下地址吗?)

  Ling:“Sir, if you don't mind, I can add you as a WeChatfriend so that I can send you the location of our bankthroughWeChat. This will help you better navigate to ourbranch.”(先生,如果您不介意的话,我可以添加您为微信好友,这样我就可以在微信上发送我们银行的定位了,以便于您更好地前往我们网点。)

  Mr Raza:“Certainly, my WeChat ID is xxxx...” (当然可以,我的微信账号是 xxxx...)

  外国友人衷心致谢 称赞卓越服务


  Mr Raza:“I'm very lucky to receive such comprehensiveservice at Tongxiang ICBC. Thank you very much, Vincent!Notonly for your fluent speaking, but also for your serviceandpatience!” (我在桐乡工商银行得到了如此周到的服务,真是感到非常幸运。非常感谢你,凌天阳!不仅仅是因为你流利的口才,更重要的是您的服务和耐心!)——外国友人对凌天阳的专业态度和周到服务表示赞赏。

  Ling:“I appreciate your kind words,but there's noneedforthanks. lt's my responsibility as an employee ofICBCtoprovide you with excellent service. I will continue to fulfill my duty and ensure that you receive theutmostservice and assistance at ICBC.” (非常感谢您的赞许,但其实无需感谢,这是我作为中国工商银行员工应尽的责任。我也将继续履行我的职责,确保您在中国工商银行获得最优质的服务和帮助。)——凌天阳对外国友人表示这是应尽的职责。
